Dreamer Me
I grew up in a semi-small town. Back then, some would even call it the country. When I was young, I remember hearing kids my age say, "I can't wait to get out of Marysville. I want more for my life." Oddly enough, I never felt that way. Because I'm a dreamer I've never been limited by my surroundings - most definitely not the city in which I'm living. This blog is just one of the many ways my dreams are coming true.
A Few of My Favorite Things​
I enjoy life. The good times are not to be taken for granted, while the bad times are there for growth. There's nothing better than good company and stimulating conversation. Hot drinks and soups in the winter and cold drinks and grilling out in the summer. I enjoy being a mom and a wife. It's hard work, but it's worth every minute. My hubby is a creative and an explorer. And I love him. My children are a blessing from God and the highlights of my life as well as my comic relief. I get to know myself better while exploring this beautiful creation and it's awesome Creator! If someone would pay me to go to school, I'd never get tired of learning. Books are my weakness.
Why I Write​
I write because I love it. I write to encourage others to live full lives. I write to remind myself and others that on our own, we are not enough, but in Christ we are masterpieces - complex and beautifully crafted. I write because God gave me a gift, and I want to use it to glorify Him.
I am a Christian cleverly disguised as a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, Life Coach, LMT, and creative.